Simple Tokens

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Simple Tokens is probably one of the most underrated features within Contao and is unfortunately only used for the newsletter module.

Simple Tokens are therefore only briefly mentioned in the official documentation. In Isotope eCommerce, the tokens are often used because they give you a lot of flexibility. Among other things, they are used here:

  • Throughout the Notification Center.
  • For displaying the addresses of the different countries (e.g. postcode before or after city etc.)
  • In the documents, to customize the document title as well as the document filename

In the notification center, by the way, you can get an autocompleter by simply typing ##, which will assist you in selecting the tokens.

Unlike insert tags, simple tokens also support simple if-else queries, which would make it possible to use them in order confirmation emails, for example:

{if billing_address_gender=="male"}
Sehr geehrter Herr ##billing_address_lastname##,
{elseif billing_address_gender=="female"}
Sehr geehrte Frau ##billing_address_lastname##,
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Simple Tokens for the notification type “Isotope eCommerce order status change”.

This notification type can be triggered when the status of an order changes, even if it is a brand new order since it is basically nothing more than a change from “no status” to “new” status.

General tokens for the order

Simple Token Description
##uniqid## Unique ID of the order.
##order_status## Description of the current status of the order.
##order_status_old## Description of the previous order status. Useful for example for “Order status changed from x to y”.
##order_status_id## ID of the current status of the order.
##order_status_id_old## ID of the previous status of the order.
##recipient_email## The e-mail address of the recipient.
##order_id## The ID of the order.
##order_items## The number of items (number added up) in the order.
##order_products## The number of individual products in the order.
##order_subtotal## Subtotal of the order.
##order_total## Total amount of the order.
##document_number## The document number of the order (order number).
##cart_text## Order/shopping cart in text format.
##cart_html## Order/shopping cart in HTML.
##document## The document to be attached (e.g. an invoice).
##form_*## All fields created in the form generator.
##payment_id## ID of the payment type.
##payment_label## Payment type label.
##payment_note## Note of the payment type.
##shipping_id## ID of the shipping type.
##shipping_label## Shipping type name.
##shipping_note## Shipping type note.

Billing Address Fields

Simple Token Description
##billing_address_gender## The billing address field for “gender”.
##billing_address_salutation## The billing address field for “Salutation”.
##billing_address_firstname## The billing address field for “First Name”.
##billing_address_lastname## The billing address field for “Last Name”.
##billing_address_dateOfBirth## The billing address field for “Date of birth”.
##billing_address_company## The invoice address field for “Company”.
##billing_address_vat_no## The invoice address field for “VAT number”.
##billing_address_street_1## The invoice address field for “Street”.
##billing_address_street_2## The invoice address field for “Street 2”.
##billing_address_street_3## The invoice address field for “Street 3”.
##billing_address_postal## The billing address field for “Postcode”.
##billing_address_city## The billing address field for “City”.
##billing_address_subdivision## The billing address field for “State”.
##billing_address_country## The billing address field for “Country”.
##billing_address_phone## The billing address field for “Phone Number”.
##billing_address_email## The billing address field for “Email Address”.

Shipping Address Fields

Simple Token Description
##shipping_address_gender## The shipping address field for “Gender”.
##shipping_address_salutation## The shipping address field for “Salutation”.
##shipping_address_firstname## The shipping address field for “First Name”.
##shipping_address_lastname## The shipping address field for “Last Name”.
##shipping_address_dateOfBirth## The shipping address field for “Date of birth”.
##shipping_address_company## The shipping address field for “Company”.
##shipping_address_vat_no## The shipping address field for “VAT No.”.
##shipping_address_street_1## The shipping address field for “Street”.
##shipping_address_street_2## The shipping address field for “Street 2”.
##shipping_address_street_3## The shipping address field for “Street 3”.
##shipping_address_postal## The shipping address field for “Postcode”.
##shipping_address_city## The shipping address field for “City”.
##shipping_address_subdivision## The shipping address field for “State”.
##shipping_address_country## The shipping address field for “Country”.
##shipping_address_phone## The shipping address field for “Phone Number”.
##shipping_address_email## The shipping address field for “Email address”.

Shop configuration fields

Simple Token Description
##config_firstname## The store configuration field for “First Name”.
##config_lastname## The shop configuration field for “Last Name”.
##config_company## The shop configuration field for “Company”.
##config_vat_no## The shop configuration field for “VAT number”.
##config_street_1## The shop configuration field for “Street”.
##config_street_2## The shop configuration field for “Street 2”.
##config_street_3## The shop configuration field for “Street 3”.
##config_postal## The shop configuration field for “Postcode”.
##config_city## The shop configuration field for “City”.
##config_subdivision## The shop configuration field for “State”.
##config_country## The shop configuration field for “Country”.
##config_phone## The shop configuration field for “Phone number”.
##config_email## The shop configuration field for “Email address”.

This feature is only available in Isotope eCommerce 2.6 and later.

Simple Token Description
##config_bankName## The shop configuration field for “Bank Name”.
##config_bankAccount## The shop configuration field for “Bank account number (e.g. IBAN)”.
##config_bankCode## The shop configuration field for “Bank code (BIC / SWIFT)”.
##config_taxNumber## The shop configuration field for “Tax number”.

Contao member fields

Simple token Description
##member_firstname## The Contao member field for “First name”.
##member_lastname## The Contao member field for “Last name”.
##member_dateOfBirth## The Contao member field for “Date of birth”.
##member_gender## The Contao member field for “Gender”.
##member_company## The Contao member field for “Company”.
##member_street## The Contao member field for “Street”.
##member_postal## The Contao member field for “Postal code”.
##member_city## The Contao member field for “City”.
##member_state## The Contao member field for “State”.
##member_country## The Contao member field for “Country”.
##member_phone## The Contao member field for “Phone number”.
##member_mobile## The Contao member field for “Mobile number”.
##member_fax## The Contao member field for “Fax number”.
##member_email## The Contao member field for “Email address”.
##member_website## The Contao member field for “Website”.
##member_language## The Contao member field for “Language”.
##member_username## The Contao member field for “Username”.
##member_dateAdded## The Contao member field for “Added on”.

Collection fields

Simple token Description
##collection_locked## The date of the order. The output is a timestamp and must be formatted using an insert tag.
##collection_document_number## The document number of the order.
##collection_uniqid## Unique ID of the order.
##collection_date_paid## The date on which the order was paid. The output is a timestamp and must be formatted using an insert tag.
##collection_date_shipped## The date the order was shipped. The output is a timestamp and must be formatted using an insert tag.
##collection_subtotal## The subtotal of the order.
##collection_tax_free_subtotal## The subtotal of the order without taxes.
##collection_total## The grand total of the order
##collection_tax_free_total## The grand total of the order without taxes.
##collection_currency## The currency of the order.

Simple tokens for the notification type

“Isotope eCommerce address book change”.

This notification type can be used to send notifications when a member changes their address.

General Tokens

Simple Tokens Description
##admin_email## The email address of the website administrator.
##domain## The domain on which the change was made.
##link## The full URL where the change was made.

Address fields

Simple Token Description
##address_gender## The new address field for “Gender”.
##address_old_gender## The old address field for “Gender”.
##address_salutation## The new address field for “Salutation”.
##address_old_salutation## The old address field for “Salutation”.
##address_firstname## The new address field for “First name”.
##address_old_firstname## The old address field for “First name”.
##address_lastname## The new address field for “Last name”.
##address_old_lastname## The old address field for “Last name”.
##address_dateOfBirth## The new address field for “Date of birth”.
##address_old_dateOfBirth## The old address field for “Date of birth”.
##address_company## The new address field for “Company”.
##address_old_company## The old address field for “Company”.
##address_vat_no## The new address field for “VAT number”.
##address_old_vat_no## The old address field for “VAT number”.
##address_street_1## The new address field for “Street”.
##address_old_street_1## The old address field for “Street”.
##address_street_2## The new address field for “Street 2”.
##address_old_street_2## The old address field for “Street 2”.
##address_street_3## The new address field for “Street 3”.
##address_old_street_3## The old address field for “Street 3”.
##address_postal## The new address field for “Postcode”.
##address_old_postal## The old address field for “Postal code”.
##address_city## The new address field for “City”.
##address_old_city## The old address field for “City”.
##address_subdivision## The new address field for “State”.
##address_old_subdivision## The old address field for “State”.
##address_country## The new address field for “Country”.
##address_old_country## The old address field for “Country”.
##address_phone## The new address field for “Phone number”.
##address_old_phone## The old address field for “Phone number”.
##address_email## The new address field for “E-mail address”.
##address_old_email## The old address field for “E-mail address”.